
Can/Am CH Knightcastle Hallo Spaceboy CD JH WC CGN / Am CD JH

He has been the most enthusiastic dog I've never had. He was always ready to play and wagging his tail like crazy!

When Nova passed in August 2014, Baxter became my pack leader, a funny one, not taking his job really seriously but putting his paws down when needed, especially with young Forrest, who saw him as a mentor. Baxter was following me everywhere, was my most reliable dog in the house. He was happy as long as he was with me and had food!

All his life, Baxter had one speed only: Go! He was a gentle goofy boy and was a fantastic dog to have around. A really unique friend and a one in a life time dog, probably my best one! The decision to keep him was the best I could have made and raising him with his sister Céleste was simply happiness.

Baxter sired one litter at Unique Dutch Kennel in Ontario in 2011 with Maura (Velvet Hunters Everybody Rejoice).


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Europa - 2024
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Orthopedic Foundation for Animals