Bermuda CH BIS Knightcastle Bermuda Triangle RA ATD CGC
Liam & Holly - Legends 2013Indigo & Geralyn Counsell
CH: Bermuda Champion
RN: Rally Novice
RI: Rally Intermediate
RA: Rally Advanced
NTD: Novice Trick Dog
ITD: Novice Trick Dog
ATD: Advanced Trick Dog
ETD: Excellent Trick Dog
CGC: Canine Good Citizen (Bermuda)
BIS: Bermuda Best in Show
GCH Knightcastle Jean Luc Picard
Forrest & Holly - Star Trek 2016Luka & Diana Hohne and Bruce Johnson
CH: Canadian Champion GCH: Canadian Grand Champion
HRCH UHCH CH Knightcastle The Man in Black MH SHU WCX DS HOF
Darwin & Hopper - The Great Musicians 2016Cash & Carlee Ogeka
SHR: United Kennel Club : Started Hunting Retriever
HR: United Kennel Club : Hunting Retriever
HRCH: United Kennel Club : Hunting Retriever Champion
CH: American Champion (AKC)
JH: American Junior Hunter
SH: American Senior Hunter
MH: American Master Hunter
SHU: American Senior Hunter Upland
WC: American Working Certificate
WCX: American Working Certificate Excellent
UH: Upland Hunter Champion
NADD: Dock Diving Senior
HOF: Hall of Fame